BAC Calculator(Blood Alcohol Content)

Welcome to the BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) Calculator

This tool helps you estimate your blood alcohol content based on the drinks you've consumed, your weight, and the time elapsed since your first drink. It's important to remember that this calculator provides only an estimate and should not be used to determine whether you are fit to drive or perform other tasks. Always drink responsibly and be aware of the laws in your jurisdiction.

Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Calculator

Instructions for Using the BAC Calculator

Step 1: Select Your Gender

From the dropdown menu, choose your gender as it affects the calculation.

Step 2: Enter Your Weight

Input your weight in kilograms in the designated field.

Step 3: Input Drinks Consumed

Enter the total number of standard drinks you've consumed. One standard drink is equivalent to approximately 14 grams of pure alcohol.

Step 4: Hours Since First Drink

Provide the number of hours that have passed since you consumed your first drink.

Step 5: Calculate Your BAC

Click the "Calculate BAC" button to receive your estimated Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) percentage.

Important Note

This is the calculator which provides an estimation based on the inputs you provide. It does not account for all factors affecting BAC and should not be used to determine your ability to drive or perform tasks safely. Always drink responsibly.


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