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Cancer Cells: IISC Study Mongrel Nanoparticles I Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis

nanoparticle tracking analysis

Scientists use Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis to precisely follow the movement of tiny particles in a solution, helping them understand how these particles behave and interact. Cancer treatment has always been a battlefield of medical science, where the search for more effective and less harmful methods is perpetual. The quest to outmaneuver this formidable foe has led researchers from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in Bengaluru to a groundbreaking discovery that could potentially change the game. They've developed a unique approach to detect and eliminate cancer cells using a combination of gold and copper sulphide nanoparticles. This innovative method not only aims to kill cancer cells with heat but also enables their detection using ultrasound waves. Let's dive deep into how this fascinating development could represent a beacon of hope for cancer patients.

    For years, the treatment of cancer has been a challenging journey for both patients and doctors. Traditional methods like chemotherapy and radiation, while effective, come with a plethora of side effects and complications. The need for more targeted and less invasive treatments has led scientists around the world to explore the possibilities of nanotechnology. Nanoparticles, due to their minuscule size, offer a promising pathway to directly target cancer cells without harming the surrounding healthy tissue. This is where the work of the researchers at IISc Bengaluru becomes a potential game-changer.

    The team at IISc has engineered hybrid nanoparticles, a sophisticated blend of gold and copper sulphide. The choice of materials is far from random. Gold nanoparticles are well-known for their ability to absorb light and convert it into heat. This property is leveraged in the cancer treatment strategy known as photothermal therapy, where nanoparticles are used to selectively heat and kill cancer cells. On the other hand, copper sulphide adds another layer of functionality, enabling the nanoparticles to be detected through ultrasound imaging. This dual ability - to kill and detect - sets the stage for a more effective and less invasive cancer treatment approach.

    Imagine a scenario where detecting and treating cancer could be as straightforward as undergoing an ultrasound scan, followed by a targeted treatment that heats only the cancer cells, leaving healthy cells untouched. This is the potential impact of the research being conducted at IISc Bengaluru. The process begins with the introduction of these hybrid nanoparticles into the patient's body, where they specifically target and attach themselves to cancer cells. When exposed to a certain wavelength of light, the gold within the nanoparticles heats up, effectively killing the cancer cells. Meanwhile, the copper sulphide component allows healthcare professionals to track the nanoparticles' journey and confirm the successful targeting of cancer cells using ultrasound imaging.

    This innovative approach has several advantages over traditional cancer treatments. Firstly, it significantly reduces the risk of harming healthy cells, a common side effect of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Secondly, it offers a non-invasive or minimally invasive option for cancer detection and treatment, potentially reducing the recovery time and improving the quality of life for patients. Lastly, the use of ultrasound imaging for detection makes this method more accessible and less costly than other imaging techniques, such as MRI or CT scans.

    It's important to note that while this research represents a significant leap forward in cancer treatment technology, it is still in the experimental phase. The effectiveness and safety of using these hybrid nanoparticles in humans will need to be thoroughly tested through clinical trials before it can become a standard treatment option. However, the promise it holds is too significant to ignore.

    The journey of cancer treatment is marked by continuous innovation and discovery. The work being done by the researchers at IISc Bengaluru is a testament to the relentless pursuit of better, safer, and more effective ways to combat cancer. As we move forward, the hope is that developments like these will one day transform the landscape of cancer treatment, offering patients around the world a chance at a healthier, brighter future.

    In the world of medical science, each breakthrough brings us one step closer to winning the war against cancer. The development of gold and copper sulphide nanoparticles for cancer treatment by the team at IISc Bengaluru is a shining example of how innovation, driven by a deep understanding of science and a commitment to improving human health, can open new doors to healing. As an individual deeply interested in the progress of medical science, I'm excited to see where this research leads and how it will eventually benefit those fighting their toughest battle against cancer.

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    IISC Study Mongrel Nanoparticles Throw New Light On How To Destroy Cancer Cells

    Bobby sulphide nanoparticles have preliminarily entered attention for their operation in cancer opinion, while gold nanoparticles, which can be chemically modified to target cancer cells, have shown anticancer goods. In the current study, the IISc platoon decided to combine these two into mongrel nanoparticles, ” the institute said. Jaya Prakash, assistant professor at IISc’s department of instrumentation and applied drugs and one of the corresponding authors of the paper, said these patches have photothermal, oxidative stress and photoacoustic parcels. PhD scholars Madhavi Tripathi and Swathi Padmanabhan are co-first authors. 

    IISc said when light is shined on these cold-blooded nanoparticles, they absorb it and induce heat, which can kill cancer cells. These nanoparticles also produce singlet oxygen tittles that are poisonous for the cells. In the current study, the experimenters have tested nanoparticles on lung cancer and cervical cancer cell lines in the lab. This led to the growth of clinical development. Stating that nanoparticles can also help diagnose certain cancers, experimenters said, “. Photoacoustic parcels of nanoparticles allow them to absorb light and induce ultrasound swells, which can be used to descry cancer cells with high discrepancy once the patches reach them. The ultrasound swells allow for a more accurate image resolution as sound swells scatter lower when they pass through apkins compared to light. ”

    In a groundbreaking study, researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) have unlocked a potential game-changer in the battle against cancer. Their study revolves around the use of "mongrel nanoparticles," an innovative approach that promises to revolutionize cancer treatment. These tiny particles are poised to throw new light on how we can effectively destroy cancer cells, offering hope for millions of people worldwide. In this article, we'll explore the IISc study on mongrel nanoparticles and its implications for the future of cancer therapy.

    Understanding Cancer Cells

    Before diving into the IISc study, it's crucial to comprehend the nature of cancer cells. Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled division and growth of abnormal cells within the body. These rogue cells can infiltrate healthy tissues and organs, leading to a host of health complications. Conventional cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy, aim to destroy cancer cells while sparing healthy ones. However, these treatments often have severe side effects, making them a less than ideal solution.

    The Mongrel Nanoparticle Approach

    The IISc research team recognized the need for a more targeted and less invasive approach to treating cancer. That's where mongrel nanoparticles come into play. These nanoparticles are incredibly small, with a diameter thousands of times thinner than a human hair. What sets them apart is their unique composition, which combines materials with different properties to create a powerful and precise weapon against cancer cells.

    Mongrel nanoparticles are engineered to carry both therapeutic agents and imaging agents. This dual functionality is a game-changer because it allows for real-time monitoring of the nanoparticles' journey through the body and their interaction with cancer cells. This means that not only can they deliver treatment directly to the tumor site, but researchers can also track their progress with remarkable accuracy.

    Precision Medicine for Cancer

    One of the most significant advantages of mongrel nanoparticles is their ability to deliver precision medicine. Traditional cancer treatments often harm healthy cells, causing debilitating side effects for patients. However, the IISc study suggests that these nanoparticles can target cancer cells specifically, sparing healthy tissue and minimizing collateral damage.

    The precision of this approach is akin to sending a guided missile directly to the heart of a tumor while leaving surrounding tissue unharmed. This level of accuracy has the potential to transform cancer treatment by drastically reducing the adverse effects associated with current therapies.

    Real-Time Monitoring

    The integration of imaging agents within mongrel nanoparticles provides another game-changing feature. This allows doctors and researchers to monitor the nanoparticles in real-time as they navigate the body and interact with cancer cells. The ability to track treatment progress offers insights into its effectiveness and enables adjustments if necessary.

    Imagine being able to watch, in real-time, as cancer cells are targeted and eliminated, all while minimizing harm to the patient's body. This level of precision and control holds the promise of making cancer treatment more efficient and less grueling for those battling the disease.

    Potential for Personalized Treatment

    The versatility of mongrel nanoparticles opens the door to personalized cancer treatment. Each person's cancer is unique, and what works for one patient may not be as effective for another. With these nanoparticles, doctors can tailor treatment plans based on the specific characteristics of the patient's cancer.

    By analyzing how the nanoparticles interact with the tumor in real-time, doctors can adjust the treatment regimen to optimize results. This personalized approach has the potential to increase the success rates of cancer treatment while reducing the risk of side effects.

    Reducing Drug Resistance

    One of the major challenges in cancer therapy is drug resistance, where cancer cells become less responsive to treatment over time. The IISc study suggests that mongrel nanoparticles may hold the key to overcoming this hurdle. By delivering a combination of therapeutic agents, these nanoparticles can attack cancer cells from multiple angles, making it more difficult for them to develop resistance.

    Furthermore, the real-time monitoring of treatment progress can help identify the early signs of resistance, allowing doctors to adapt the treatment strategy before it becomes ineffective. This proactive approach could extend the effectiveness of cancer treatments and improve long-term outcomes for patients.

    Unveiling the Mysteries of Tiny Particles with Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis

    It’s a technique that might sound complex at first glance, but I promise to break it down into bite-sized, easy-to-understand pieces. So, if you've ever been curious about how scientists track those incredibly tiny particles that are revolutionizing medicine, environmental science, and technology, you're in for a treat!

    First off, let’s talk about what nanoparticles are. Imagine something so small that you can't see it with the naked eye, nor even with a regular microscope. We're talking about is that are a billionth of a meter in size. Yes, that's the nanoscale! Nanoparticles exist in the world around us and can be engineered for various applications, from targeted drug delivery systems in the body to enhancing the efficiency of solar panels.

    Dynamic Light Scattering & Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) – when to use what for nano research:Video

    Now, onto the star of the show - Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis or NTA. NTA is a technique that allows scientists to observe and track these tiny particles in a liquid medium. The beauty of NTA lies in its ability to provide real-time monitoring and analysis of nanoparticles in terms of their size, distribution, and concentration. Using Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis, scientists can observe and measure the size of tiny particles in real-time, enhancing our understanding of their behavior in various environments.

    How does it work, you ask? I find this part pretty cool: a sample containing nanoparticles is illuminated by a laser, and a specialized microscope equipped with a video camera captures the scattered light from the particles as they move, or "dance," in the fluid. This movement is caused by a process known as Brownian motion - the random movement of particles suspended in a fluid.

    By analyzing the video, NTA software can track each particle's movement and, using the principles of Brownian motion, calculate the size of each nanoparticle. This is groundbreaking because it gives researchers detailed insights into the nanoparticle samples, including size distribution and particle concentration, with impressive accuracy and in real time. Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis is a powerful technique that lets us closely follow and size nanoparticles, offering insights critical for research and development.

    Why is this important, you might wonder? Well, the size and concentration of nanoparticles can significantly affect their properties and how they interact with their surroundings. In medicine, for example, the size of a nanoparticle can influence how it is absorbed by the body, how it distributes itself within the body, and how it is cleared from the body. By understanding these aspects, scientists can design nanoparticles that are more effective for drug delivery, imaging, and diagnostics.

    Moreover, NTA is invaluable in assessing the safety and environmental impact of nanoparticles. As nanoparticles become more prevalent in products and technologies, understanding their behavior in biological systems and the environment is crucial to ensuring they are safe for human health and the planet.

    One of the things I appreciate most about NTA is its straightforwardness. Despite the sophisticated technology and physics behind it, the actual process of performing Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis is relatively simple and doesn't require extensive sample preparation. This accessibility means that more researchers can utilize this technology to push the boundaries of what's possible with nanoparticles.

    In conclusion, Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis is like giving scientists a high-powered microscope to not only see but also understand the invisible dance of nanoparticles. This understanding is crucial for harnessing the potential of nanotechnology across various fields, from healthcare to environmental science. As we continue to explore the possibilities of the nanoworld, NTA stands as a testament to human ingenuity and our quest to understand the fundamentals of the universe.

    The Fascinating World of Nanoparticle Synthesis: A Beginner's Guide

    Nanoparticle synthesis might sound like a complex topic reserved for scientists in lab coats, but I'm here to unravel this intriguing process in a way that's engaging and easy to grasp. So, whether you're a curious mind, a budding scientist, or just someone fascinated by the wonders of technology, you're in the right place. Let's dive into the art and science of creating these tiny marvels.

    Nanoparticles are incredibly small particles that measure in the nanometer scale—one nanometer is one-billionth of a meter. Despite their minuscule size, nanoparticles hold immense potential across various fields, including medicine, electronics, and materials science. Their unique properties, such as increased reactivity and quantum effects, make them vastly different from their bulk counterparts. But how are these tiny particles created? That's where nanoparticle synthesis comes into play.

    Nanoparticle Synthesis

    Nanoparticle synthesis is the process of creating nanoparticles, and this can be achieved through various methods. These methods are broadly categorized into two: top-down and bottom-up approaches. Let's break these down.

    Top-Down Approach: 

    Imagine sculpting a masterpiece from a block of marble, chiseling away until you reach your desired shape and size. The top-down approach in nanoparticle synthesis works similarly. It involves breaking down larger materials into nanoparticles. Techniques like ball milling or laser ablation are commonly used, where physical forces are applied to reduce the size of materials into nanoparticles. While this method is straightforward, it's worth noting that it can sometimes produce particles with less uniform shapes and sizes.

    Bottom-Up Approach: 

    Now, picture building a structure brick by brick, where each brick is precisely placed to create a specific form. This is the essence of the bottom-up approach, where nanoparticles are assembled atom by atom or molecule by molecule. Chemical vapor deposition, sol-gel processes, and chemical reduction are some techniques employed here. This approach offers better control over the size and shape of the nanoparticles, leading to more uniform and well-defined structures.

    Regardless of the approach, the ultimate goal is to tailor the nanoparticles for their specific applications. For instance, in drug delivery, nanoparticles might be designed to efficiently carry and release drugs at the targeted site within the body. In electronics, nanoparticles could be synthesized to enhance the conductivity or flexibility of materials.

    One fascinating aspect of nanoparticle synthesis is the level of precision and creativity it demands. Scientists must consider various factors, including the choice of materials, reaction conditions, and the desired properties of the final product. It's a bit like cooking, where the ingredients, temperature, and cooking time need to be just right to create a perfect dish.

    Now, you might wonder, why go through all this trouble for something so tiny? Well, the magic of nanoparticles lies in their size. At the nanoscale, materials exhibit properties that are not present in their larger counterparts. These unique properties open up a world of possibilities for innovation and problem-solving across different domains.

    As we continue to explore and understand the potential of nanoparticles, the importance of developing efficient and sustainable methods of nanoparticle synthesis becomes increasingly clear. It's not just about creating nanoparticles; it's about doing so in a way that's beneficial for our health, society, and the environment.

    Nanoparticle synthesis is a fascinating and intricate process that sits at the heart of nanotechnology. It's a field that combines the precision of science with the creativity of art, leading to groundbreaking advancements that could shape the future of various industries. As we delve deeper into this microscopic world, who knows what incredible discoveries await?

    Liposome vs. Lipid Nanoparticle: Unraveling the Tiny Titans of Nanomedicine

    Distinguishing between these two nanoscale entities and understanding their pivotal roles in healthcare. No jargon, no complexity, just a simple walkthrough into their fascinating realm.

    Introduction to the Nanoscale Titans

    Before we embark on distinguishing between liposomes and lipid nanoparticles, let's set the stage by understanding what they share in common. Both are nanoscale vehicles designed to deliver therapeutic agents right where they're needed in the body, minimizing side effects and maximizing efficacy. Imagine them as highly efficient delivery trucks, but on a microscopic scale, navigating the vast network of the human body to deliver their precious cargo.

    What Are Liposomes?

    Liposomes are essentially tiny bubbles made from the same material as cell membranes—phospholipids. These spherical vesicles can encapsulate drugs, protecting them from degradation and ensuring they're released at the right place and time. Picture a liposome as a microscopic bubble wrap, safeguarding its contents during the journey through the body's complex systems.

    The beauty of liposomes lies in their biocompatibility, thanks to their phospholipid composition, which is friendly to human cells. They've been around in clinical settings since the 1960s, providing a tried and tested platform for drug delivery, particularly useful for targeting cancer cells and delivering vaccines.

    Entering the World of Lipid Nanoparticles

    Lipid nanoparticles, on the other hand, are a more recent innovation. They are tiny particles, not necessarily spherical, composed of a lipid core that can carry therapeutic agents, including RNA-based drugs. The groundbreaking COVID-19 mRNA vaccines introduced many of us to the term "lipid nanoparticles," highlighting their critical role in protecting and delivering fragile mRNA sequences into our cells to trigger an immune response.

    Unlike liposomes, lipid nanoparticles have a solid core, and their structure allows for the incorporation of various lipids that can be tailored for specific purposes, such as enhancing stability or facilitating entry into cells. This makes lipid nanoparticles incredibly versatile and effective, particularly for delivering genetic material.

    Liposome vs Lipid Nanoparticle: The Key Differences

    While both liposomes and lipid nanoparticles are lipid-based and operate on the nanoscale, they have distinct differences that make them suitable for different therapeutic applications.


    Liposomes are vesicular, often resembling the structure of a cell, with an aqueous core enclosed by a lipid bilayer. This makes them ideal for encapsulating both water-soluble and fat-soluble drugs. Lipid nanoparticles, in contrast, have a solid core, making them particularly suited for protecting and delivering nucleic acids, such as RNA.


    Liposomes are primarily made of natural phospholipids, closely mimicking cell membranes. Lipid nanoparticles, while also lipid-based, incorporate a mixture of lipids, including ionizable lipids that can respond to the pH environment, aiding in the release of their payload within the target cells.


    Liposomes have been widely used in cancer therapy and vaccine delivery, leveraging their ability to encapsulate drugs and shield them from the immune system. Lipid nanoparticles have gained prominence for their role in delivering genetic material, as seen with mRNA vaccines, offering a new frontier in vaccine technology and gene therapy.

    Stability and Release Mechanism: 

    Lipid nanoparticles often offer superior stability and a controlled release mechanism, crucial for the delicate task of delivering genetic material into cells without degradation. Liposomes, while effective in encapsulating and delivering drugs, can sometimes face challenges with stability and controlled release.

    Both liposomes and lipid nanoparticles are at the forefront of a revolution in targeted drug delivery and personalized medicine. By understanding their unique properties and applications, scientists and medical professionals can choose the most appropriate carrier for a given therapeutic agent, maximizing its benefits and minimizing potential risks.

    As we continue to explore and harness the potential of these tiny titans, we stand on the brink of a new era in healthcare. An era where treatments are not just about combating diseases but doing so with unparalleled precision and minimal side effects. The journey of liposomes and lipid nanoparticles from concept to clinical application exemplifies the power of nanotechnology in medicine, opening new avenues for treatment and hope for patients worldwide.


    The IISc study on mongrel nanoparticles offers a promising glimpse into the future of cancer treatment. These tiny but mighty particles have the potential to revolutionize how we combat cancer by providing precision medicine, real-time monitoring, and personalized treatment options. By minimizing the damage to healthy tissue, reducing drug resistance, and increasing treatment efficacy, mongrel nanoparticles may finally tip the scales in favor of those this devastating disease. While more research is needed to fully harness their potential, there's fighting denying that mongrel nanoparticles have thrown new light on the path towards eliminating cancer cells and bringing hope to millions of lives.

    Nanoparticle Slideshare

    Nanoparticle from Sonam Gandhi


    Can cancer be cured using nanoparticles?

    I recently discovered how nanoparticles, tiny particles measuring between 1 to 100 nanometers, are becoming a game-changer in cancer treatment. Their ability to blend well with our bodies (biocompatibility), cause fewer side effects (reduced toxicity), remain stable, sneak into tumors more effectively (enhanced permeability and retention effect), and hit cancer cells right on target makes them incredibly promising in the fight against this dreaded disease.

    How can I shrink a tumor without chemo?

    Exploring ways to shrink a tumor without relying on chemotherapy involves a combination of innovative treatments and lifestyle changes. Among the alternatives are targeted therapy, which attacks specific markers on cancer cells; immunotherapy, which boosts your immune system's ability to fight cancer; and radiofrequency ablation, which uses heat to destroy cancer cells. Additionally, maintaining a nutritious diet, staying active, and managing stress through methods like meditation can support your body's health during treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best approach tailored to your specific situation.

    How do gold nanoparticles treat cancer?

    Gold nanoparticles offer a novel approach to cancer treatment by taking advantage of their tiny size and unique properties. These particles can be designed to seek out and attach to cancer cells. Once targeted, they can be heated by external sources like infrared light, causing the cancer cells to heat up and die without harming surrounding healthy tissue. This method, known as photothermal therapy, is just one way gold nanoparticles are being used to directly attack cancer cells, offering a potential treatment option that could minimize side effects associated with traditional therapies.

    What stops a tumor from growing?

    Halting a tumor's growth often involves disrupting its ability to sustain itself and spread. This can be achieved through various strategies, such as cutting off the blood supply that feeds the tumor (anti-angiogenesis therapy), stimulating the immune system to recognize and destroy cancer cells (immunotherapy), or using targeted therapies that focus on specific genetic mutations within cancer cells. Lifestyle factors, including a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, regular physical activity, and stress reduction techniques, can also support the body's natural defenses against tumor growth. It's crucial to work closely with healthcare professionals to determine the most effective approach based on the individual's unique situation.


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